Monday, November 20, 2006

Feeling kind of down

Sometimes I have phases where I don't know where the time goes or what I have done with it. I guess I have cross stitched quite a bit, though the picture I am working on feels like it will take forever to finish. I also tried making a few little beaded stars last week, but I think they are too small for ornaments and will probably use them as gift embellishments.

On Saturday there was another craft sale, but all I sold was one card. It was really disappointing and makes me wonder why I try. My mom took a few ornaments though, and will pay me in perogies. Yum.

But now I'm wondering if I'm wasting my time with all the crafting. Maybe I should just stick with making things for myself or for gifts, and spend more time on painting. But I haven't been able to seel many of those either. Am I doomed to not have any success until after I'm dead?

Well, I need to get focused again. Christmas is coming and there are a few gifts I want to make, so I should get started on those.

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