Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy New Year!

A little late, I know, unless you follow the old calendar. December was a busy month with Christmas projects and making a few gifts, including this sign for my husband:

Then my son and I both had the flu for over a week which started a few days before Christmas. We made through Christmas okay but I was glad I wasn't hosting anything, I felt so tired and weak. For quite a few days after that I really didn't want to do anything, could barely even think about painting. Finally started to feel better after the new year and started feeling like painting something. The December Different Strokes challenge at wetcanvas was about Christmas shopping and I decided to focus on the temptations in the stores in December. The local Home Hardware really puts out a display of Christmas stuff and I really have to work hard to control myself when I go there. I snapped a picture and painted just a small section of their display. I still was feeling a little shaky and tired so I kept it quick and simple. Painting this way is really fascinating, just a few strokes of light and dark and objects appear.

And I am still finishing up Christmas projects. I had so many ideas in mind that I wanted to get a few of them done. A few ornaments and jewelry sets are ready for next year. Just a couple more things to do and then I can move on to different things, like my very first art journal and trying out some new products I have. For example, these embossing powders which I made samples of and glued to the bottles. I got that idea from YouTube, but I also coloured half the circle with clear ink and the other half with black.

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