It has a been a few months since I last wrote here, and I haven't done much crafting either. To make a long story short, in October I was having some stomach pains. I went to see a doctor and ended up being admitted and they took out my appendix and told me I have Crohn's disease. After a few day I went home but was in a lot of pain. A week later I went back with an infection where the incision was. They had to drain it and then I stayed in the hospital for another week. When I went home again, I still had an open wound there and every day had to go to the local clinic, and sometimes into the city on weekends, and get the dressing changed. They have to pack the opening to make sure it doesn't close from the top first. It hasn't been painful since the infection was drained, but healing has been very slow because of the Crohn's and I still have a small hole. I hope it will close up soon. I am also on medication for the Crohn's and it seems to be under control.
For a while I couldn't do much of anything but over the last few months I did do a little painting and have started making art trading cards (ATCs). So far I have four done but still haven't put them online. I will make a page soon and then I hope to find other artists and crafters to trade with. I also did a quick little Christmas picture on the computer, just for fun. And I painted an old guitar.
And, the other day I started working again on a mural which I had started in October. It's actually on masonite because I think that's safer than putting all that work on a wall. But I'm still calling it a mural. It is 6x3 feet. I started putting work in progress pictures in a
webshots account.

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