Starting a blog has been on the list of things to do in my head for quite a while. Maybe it would help write down this list, but I never seem to get around to it. Here I plan to write about my creative projects. I don't know if anyone will even read this, but at the very least it may make a good incentive to get things done so that I have something to write about.
First, a little background. I have always been interested in arts and crafts, though as a child it didn't amount to much. I did learn to make Ukrainian Easter eggs from my grandmother when I was very young. She also taught me needlepoint, embroidery, and crocheting. And I taught myself tatting and, recently, knitting. Though I haven't gotten very far with the knitting yet.
I do all kinds of crafts. I make jewelry and Christmas ornaments out of different things. I have started sewing a bit, and I recently started getting into polymer clay. I'm always looking for ideas and I like to try something new once in a while.
As for my art, I had a few lessons when I was young and dreamed of being an artist. I had tried pencil and watercolours, but was never really happy with what I did. I had given up completely but in 1997 I was so inspired by the fall colours, that I had to try again. I took out my craft paints and painted a picture that I was actually pretty satisfied with. So I have kept painting since, always learning as I go. I have mostly worked with the acrylics, but have just started trying colour pencil. And I have discovered the joy of painting on the computer.